Being creative can be overwhelming. To have so many ideas in your head to juggle. I have struggled the last year with idea after idea after idea. Is that necessarily a problem? Not really. But not allowing it to flow can be. Not organizing your thoughts and writing them down and making a plan to move forward with them. Wondering whether models/clients will look at me as if I had a few screws loose. Will this look right? It feels kind of like asking someone to bark like a dog so you can capture that essence...ok that may be an over exaggeration of the feeling but it is pretty close to the look that I fear people will give me.

In the last 45 days I have purchased a notebook and began to write my ideas down and actually make a plan to complete at least one of them. I finally did accomplish one of the many ideas I have stored in my head and it was liberating.

Those feelings of insecurity have diminished.  I have to say that finally embarking on that adventure regardless of what people thought paid off in a bigger way than I could have imagined. 

This project was one of the first concepts I had over 5 years ago. I call it "Shades of Color" For me it is about representing all of the different shades of melanin, how beautiful and rich they are in all their colors. These four young ladies helped me accomplish this vision.

The one thing I keep saying and having to remind myself is to not let others interfere with your creative process. And I keep proving to myself that if I just listen and hold true to it, great things will happen. The only person that needs to believe in you….is you.

Credits to models from left to right